Aging Dogs: Do They Loose Their Abilities?Scientists Have Found That Dogs Become Wiser With AgeAustrian zoologists proved the fallacy of speculation that the dogs lose the ability to learn with age - they are really worse to learn new things, but their logical thinking becomes keener.
dogs spent more time than younger dogs to solve all the tasks
correctly. In addition, we have shown that older animals, like
humans, have a much less flexible thinking than younger individuals,
and it is as difficult for
them as
is for us
to get rid of old habits and facts
of life
", - said Lisa Wallace from
the University of Veterinary
Vienna (Austria). For
many years Lisa Wallace and her colleagues have
been studying
what happens to the intellectual abilities of dogs when
they age,
investigating a
well-spread stereotype
the West, expressed
"you can not teach an old dog new tricks." |