Dog Training Sleeve K9 IGP with Jute Cover


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  • Model: PS28+PSC11057 Manica protettiva per addestratore del cane
  • 57 Units in Stock

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K9 IGP Bite Protection Sleeve with Jute Cover

Our craftsmen are specialised in bite training gear production, and this Dog Bite Training Sleeve with jute cover is one of the samples of the best craftsmenship. It was made to train your dog for international championship, dog sports and preparation for IGP competitions. The sleeve was recognized by the judges of the International Championship of IGP in 2011 in Ukraine as one of the best.

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Protection Sleeve

Protection Sleeve with Plastic Shoulder Cover

This model meets international standards and is used for the preparation of the dogs, young and adult, to take part in the IPO and IGP tests. The bite sleeve is made of very resistant materials, protects the elbow, the hand and the shoulder from the dog bites. The shoulder is protected with the special plastic detail. The protection sleeve is to be used only with the protective cuffs.

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Training Equipment K9

Bite Protection Sleeve for IGP Trials

Key features of this Dog Bite Sleeve:

  • excellent bite area angle
  • tear-proof exterior and interior materials
  • inside padded handle
  • plastic protection for shoulder

Intended use of this Training Sleeve with Perfect Bite Angle:

  • IGP training
  • Bite training sleeve for adult experienced dog


  • Material of the cover-jute


  • left
  • right

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Bite Work Sleeve in Use

Sergei Beresowski, Germany, Hainburg Working with Malinois

It is highly recommended to purchase this Bite Sleeve together with cover (protective cuff), otherwise the dog will tear it very quickly. The represented cover of the sleeve is PSC1 - jute. You can also choose a bite sleeve with PSC4 (French Linen) cover. These are used for rgular bite training. To participate in trials and championship, choose the cover PSC49 or PSC52, metioned in the options at the top of the page.

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Dog Training Bite Sleeve with Jute Cover

Here's a Championship Participant with Jute-covered Bite Training Sleeve

TAKE NOTE! As it was already mentioned, the PS28 bite sleeve can be used for training with the PSC1 or PSC4 sleeve cover. Nevertheless, we recommend to use the following sleeve covers for trials and championship with your dog:

Dog Trials Bite Training Sleeve Cover Pro Level Bite Sleeve with Jute Cuff

PSC49 - Find our New Jute Cover for IPO Bite Exercising

PSC52 - Try this Durable Cover with Adjustable Pad

See other Bite protection sleeves, Products for professional dog sport, Excellent Training and Walking Harnesses and other outstanding products for your dog in our on-line pet store!

Dog Training Bite SleeveJute Bite
SleeeveDog Bite Training Sleeve LightweightPolice Dog Training Sleeve

For detailed information about products, dog breeds or measures please contact our customer service Hunde Maulkorb mail

Customer Reviews:

by Jordan, Derbyshire, UK
Date Added: 08/11/2020
Good afternoon, my package arrived this morning, my dog and I are very satisfied with the quality of the product. I will recommend you to other dog owners and trainers. I will also order more products for myself. Thanks. Regards.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars [5 of 5 Stars]


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